Wow, long time no post! hehe
For the new year, I have decided that I would do one post per month. So here's my first post of the year...
This year I'm trying to take more pictures for me, I got a lensbaby for Christmas from my amazing boyfriend! This has helped boost my inspiration and creativity! I am also trying to take more self portraits (I learn alot from posing my self).
Here is where I will be posting my new Lensbaby pictures...
click here
and Self Portraits..
Click Here!
Photo shoots of the month...
Jan 2, Engagement: Alissa and Chris

These two are super cute and I can't wait to do their wedding in June:) The guys are going to be wearing kilts!!
Jan 16, Baby Photo Shoot: Rachel
Shes a perfect little fairy!

Jan 21, Prenatal Photo Shoot: Dominique & Denis
One of my favorite shoots, I couldn't stop smiling while I was looking through them :D

Jan 23, First Wedding of the year: Lori and Mark
These two have been together since they were 14!! So amazing! They had their portraits taken at Heritage Hall, The lighting was very very hard to work with but I did my best...

Jan 30, Model Portfolio: Drew
I don't take pictures of guys very often so it was a nice change!

Jan 30, Model Portfolio: Chilian

Also... Wicked News! has asked me if they can feature my work on their site! They have given me a free membership to play around with there photo effects! Here is one of my creations...